Land w Vilnius

€ 1,563,000


The commercial land plot for SALE, 1.0420 ha. In very busy Gariūnų street.

The new Skoda center, the gas station is located near this plot. Next year near this plot there will be a giant shopping center "DEPO" - 30,000 m2, which will be built on a 12 hectares area, The DEPO is building materials store, various other services and office building (attached visualization)

THE EXACT PURPOSE OF THE PLOT: Other (commercial and small business objects to build and operate).
This plot has a detailed map.

This plot is included in general Vilnius city map, it belongs in area that is suitable for business, industry and production.

The nearest residential homes are across the street, in Dubliskiu street (west of the plot) and Grines street (north of the plot). The closest living environment is in Dubliskiu street, about 30 m. far.

Public objects, Lazdynai district:
※ Hospital, Siltnamiu str. 29, ~2.5 kilometers;
※ JSC "Capital ambulance", Lazdynu str. 21, ~2.5 kilometers;
※ Vilnius Azuolyno school, Architektu str. 68 , ~ 1.8 kilometers;
※ Kindergarten "Zibute" Architektu str. 62, ~ 2 km;
※ Nearest recreational areas - the northern side of the Neravu forest area by the river Neris, suitable only for extensive recreation, because there is a complete infrastructure and bathing in Neris river at this location is not suitable.

[email protected]

Property details

Rodzaj lokalizacji
Centrum Miasta
Energia elektryczna
Typ własności
Obszar aplikacji
O pojemności skokowej przekraczającej 2500 cm3
Pozwolenie na budowę



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